Tulsa has had record snow the last 2 weeks. Winter is not my favorite season (I am more of a warm weather girl) but I do like occasionally being snowed in to be with family and simply slow down. For me, winter is a time to plan and reflect. I like to set goals, especially this time of year, so I thought I would write several entries about goal setting for your personal and business life. I will be posting them on Mondays.
Defining Your Dream
The first thing you must ask yourself is what do I truly want to do, pursue, change? Call it the vision, the dream, or the goal. I think we all have dreams inside of us waiting to burst out. We all have talents of some sort, some of us just may not have explored them because of time, money, fear of failure, or life just getting in the way.
How do you figure out your dream? Start out by spending some time alone and write down what you enjoy doing. What makes you happy? What did you like to do as a kid? (I did crafts and drew fashion pictures all the time) Did you aspire to be or do something but someone or circumstances shut you down? Is there a cause you really believe in? Somewhere you would want to volunteer? Just listen to what is inside of you and dare to think of the possibilities. It is never too late to be or to do! Don’t look at past experiences as failures but as stepping stones leading up to what you are to do now.
Surround yourself with positive, outgoing people. I read a great book years ago called Balcony People, don’t know if it is still in print but it was all about the people in life that lift you up and try to get you to come to the balcony. Don’t listen to the Basement people that try to drag you down. If you’re not sure what your strengths and talents are, ask your good, true friends what they think your strengths are. Also, branch out and find some people with common interests and network and exchange ideas. In the past few years, through networking meetings and trade shows, several new people have come into my life that now are my dearest friends and mentors.
This is our one life to live-go for it! Design your life, no one else is going to do it for you. What are you waiting for? Start now. Don’t wait for everything to fall perfectly in place, just get started.
I think we are the happiest when we are pursuing something. Wouldn’t it be fun to choose work (or a hobby or a cause) you love where you just lose yourself in it? We have choices and opportunities. We live in a country where we have freedom to open up our own business, go to school, learn new things, meet new people. It makes me sad to see so many people in unhappy jobs, relationships, situations. I know some things we can’t control, but most of our future is based on our choices.
I love being a wife and mom. My family is my top priority. But for a very long time I have had a gnawing inside to do something even more, especially now that my kids are getting bigger and more independent. I want to reach out to others. I love making friends and lifting people up. I know I went through cancer for a reason. I am finally figuring out that I am supposed to encourage others and use my creativity. I founded my company www.happyfirst.com to inspire others through fun clothing and accessories. My message is “find your passion and pursue it”.
I want Happy First to be a place where you can come and be inspired and encouraged. I would love to hear what your dreams, goals and aspirations are! Maybe by just professing it, it will get you started. Maybe you have already started and are in pursuit. Please share!
The book about balcony people would be right up my alley, Deb – I am always looking to surround myself with those people with positive attitudes and thoughts. Life is too short to spend it with people who drag your spirits down to their level. What’s the purpose of that? One of my favorite sayings is Live, Love, Laugh. If you do those 3 things….guess what? You can’t laugh when you are in the basement with the downers!! love you Deb – you’re the best!!
Terri, I think you are the best too! So happy you are in my life. You are a very energizing, positive person!
I can’t wait to get that book. Sounds like something right up my alley.. Last year i started getting my goals down on paper.. wa.. la.. they all started to happen.. Except that 118 thing. I need to actually get on treadmill for that one. But, at least i know where i am headed.. woo hoo..
I am very excited about this blog and will look forward to Monday’s and reading what is in that head of yours. I am living a dream. As a young child they would call me ching.. because everytime I would close my eyes they would see money signs. I was always figuring out ways to make money. Selling is where my heart is.. I am fortunate that a good majority of my funds go to the numerous charities in town. I am blessed.. Have a great time relaxing in Phoenix. Your friendship is treasured and i feel you are one of the Biggest blessings in my life.
Tammy, you know you are one of the biggest blessings in my life too! It is so exciting for me to watch your business take off. Thanks for always being there for me and being such an encourager and role model!