Happy Motivational Monday! Lately I have had a goal setting series on my blog on Mondays. This week I am going to talk about health and fitness goals.
Getting to and maintaining a healthy weight.
I think we are the happiest when we feel and look our best. I know when I am working out regularly and eating healthy foods I have more energy and feel so much better. When I am at my target weight I feel more confident too! Now I am not saying you have to be skinny to be happy, just at a healthy weight that is just right for you.
In an earlier blog post I mentioned you should have measurable goals. For my weight goal it is a target number and for my exercise goal it is having a program to follow or a goal (for me it was a half marathon).
I have been wanting to be back to a certain weight for about 3 years so I finally committed to doing that this year with a specific date to be that weight. I think we have to have a healthy lifestyle and eating habits to maintain our goal weight. I can work out a lot, but if I don’t eat right, the weight won’t come off.
The three things I want to talk about with regards to weight loss are some weight loss programs, simple tips from friends, and enlisting help from a buddy.
Weight loss programs
When I want to lose excess weight, what works for me is cutting out the sugar and simple carbs. I like to follow the South Beach Diet. Some of you may think it is hard at first because the first 2 weeks you cut out all pasta, bread, rice, fruit, and alcohol. That may sound extreme to some of you but if you read the book you will see the whole purpose of this is to change your mindset and get your body off of all the excess sugar. I have felt so much better doing this. I eat about 5 times a day, 3 meals, and 2 snacks (love nuts, have them in my car). I lost 5 pounds in my first week. After the first 2 weeks you can add back complex carbs. They have lots of good recipes. Just cutting out the sugar is amazing.
I have heard really good things about Weight Watchers too. Some people need the accountability with a group and portioned meals. There are many programs out there to help you lose weight. Just make sure it is not a bunch of processed food. Fresh food is the best. Grass feed natural meat is better for you than grain fed. Organic fruits and vegetables are best. Soon it will be spring and there will be farmer’s markets where you can find locally grown food. Again, it is all moderation and what works for you. Just set a goal and get the mindset and do it! I think that is the secret.
Simple Tips for Weight Loss
Here are a few tips from friends and me. Do what works for you.
My friend Lori, who is super fit, wanted to shed a few extra pounds and she decided to cut out her unhealthy afternoon snacks and eat dinner before 6 pm. She also went with smaller meals. She didn’t deny herself any certain foods, just ate less.
My friend Pam reduced her portions, drank green tea and got eight hours of sleep a night. Studies have shown that when you are sleep deprived you eat more.
I feel better when I don’t eat until I am full. I don’t like that full feeling anymore. I also don’t like to eat late anymore. I like going to bed feeling just a tad hungry. I feel so much better when I wake up. And I am a big believer in breakfast! It is my favorite meal! I have read that if you eat breakfast, you won’t eat so much throughout the day.
Get a weight loss buddy
It really helps to enlist the help of a buddy to be accountable to. My friend Lori and her friend would text each other when they had a craving and then they would talk each other out of it. What I did was get a friend that also has a weight goal and we email each other each day with our daily progress. It really works!
And don’t get discouraged, just keep going. I had lost 8 pounds (my goal is 10) but then recently went on a girl’s trip to Scottsdale, Arizona and then the next week I went to Dallas. Even though I ran while out of town, I had gained some of it back, but now that I am back home with more planned meals I am losing it again.
I hope these suggestions help you get to where you want to be in getting to and maintaining a healthy weight.
Next week I will tell you my fitness goals.
What ideas do YOU all have that works for you as far as health and fitness? I love new ideas!
thank you Michelle Kiss for your cute photo! You are truly talented! http://www.flickr.com/photos/michellekiss/4490112160/
Finding a friend to keep you accountable is a big help. Sorry i have backslid on giving you my daily updates. I know the thing that works the best for me is having my “Own” plan and what works best for my body type. I have to weigh everyday and have a specific number i want to hit. I also feel rewarding myself with new outfits along the way is a must. I used to pay myself $1.00 a mile on the treadmill and at the end of the month i would take the cash and go buy myself a new outfit. It works for me to eat early and to have little snacks throughout the day. My body needs carbs because of my hectic schedule and i feel so much lighter when i eat under 20 fat grams aday. Exercise helps my mindset.. and lots of water and sleep. I am a stickler for bed at 10:00 up at 6:00.. Having a fun upcoming event always seems to motivate me the most. Love the blog!
Hi, Debbie! The blogging is coming along nicely. 🙂 Love that you’re sharing such great tips.
I’ve been tweaking a few things on the dashboard for you. Can you please let me know if you get this comment in your e-mail? Thanks!
Testing. Please delete, Debbie. 🙂
Debbie, I have been “studying” the whole weight loss thing for quite a while – would like to say “practicing”, but that’s been rather hit and miss lately. But now that the holidays and the blizzards are behind us (hopefully) I’m ready to start again. I too have had great success with the South Beach Diet in the past and have also noticed a real difference in the way I feel physically when I focus on eating whole foods and natural foods. I truly do believe that the key to weight loss is to cut out the sugars and the “bad carbs” and the processed foods. That was very hard for me at first because I am truly a meat and potatoes and dessert girl, but it got easier when I started finding replacements for my favorite ‘not so healthy’ foods. When you cut out sugary processed foods and baked goods, it’s amazing how sweet fresh fruit tastes!
I totally agree about the fresh fruit! Thanks for your fun comment, Pam!
What a great blog!! I wish you the best of luck, Debbie! 🙂
Thank you for choosing my photo!
Thanks for letting me use your picture, Michelle. It is so fitting with my logo and blog! You are truly talented! Love your pictures!