Happy February 1st!
Where did January go? Did you set any goals, resolutions? It’s not too late! Every day is a new day! That is what the egg in Happy First represents-new beginnings, breaking out of your shell.
Every year I like to set goals. I have different areas I like to focus on-my family and home, my business goals, creative goals and fitness goals. I have more focus and purpose each day when I am working towards something. A fun way to get started with goal setting is to pick a word for the new year. Write it down, frame it, and put it in a place you will see often each day. I put mine on my bathroom counter. I got this idea from Mary NurrieStearns, an incredible teacher at Inner Peace Yoga in Tulsa. She is also a therapist and always gives us great ideas to reflect on while we are getting a super hard workout. (I think she is just trying to distract us from the pain!)
Last year I chose the word Create. I looked up the definition in the dictionary and it means “to bring something into existence, to cause something to happen as a result of one’s actions.” Part of what Happy First is all about is breaking out of your shell. I believe everyone has creativity inside and will be happiest when they burst out!
I am happiest when I am creating. I love to play in my craft room and draw and sew. I felt like I wasn’t making time anymore for fun things like that in my life so I decided to focus on it. My friend Amy and I ended up taking a knitting class last year. I still didn’t get to do as much as I wanted to do creatively last year so I am still working on it. For Christmas I got a Bamboo Fun Wacom tablet, which enables you to draw on your computer. I just need to block out time each week for me to be creative.
This year my new word is Pursue. The Webster’s definition is “to find or employ measures to obtain or accomplish.” My quote on www.happyfirst.com is “Find your passion and pursue it”. I have lots of new ideas for Happy First and my life in general so this is my year to get out and pursue! To quit thinking and do!
I talked about this idea last year and here are some of the words and phrases my friends came up with for themselves-faith, simple (and this led to my friend decluttering her home), husband (one friend wanted to focus on her marriage), kindness, patience, just do it, and healthy body (and this friend, Pam, went on to lose weight and run her first half marathon in 2010!). Here is an excerpt from what my friend Amy wrote in choosing the word “free”:
“Free! As we have discussed in person, free is my word. I am focusing on being free from all the things that hold me back from being my best every day. Since my kids were babies I have to them to wake up every day with the goal of being their best every day. Now it’s my turn to listen to my own words.”
Some other words people have come up with for this year (I posed this question on www.facebook/happyfirst ) are balance, lean into the fear, trust, love, overcome, inspire and believe.
So what is your word for 2011? I would love to see your ideas. It would be so much fun to share and inspire each other and maybe even be accountable to each other!
Happy 2011!
Debbie~ LOVE your new blog! The idea of selecting a “word” to work around is brilliant. What an incredible way to stay focused! My word, would be “Manifest”. Same as CREATE…You are on such a wonderful path!
Love it, Manifest. I see big things with your business. So excited to be a part of it. Can’t wait to meet you next month and see what we all come up with!
Once again this is so awesome! I love to read it and it inspires me every time. You were a big inspiration in my life last year! I am so looking forward to the happiness and success of this year for all of us! January has started off with a bang! I am working on all my goals I set. I am not procrastinating and I’m getting a lot accomplished. I am spending a lot of time online however but I’m learning a lot at the same time. I started off the year with several words and I wasn’t sure which one to pick. It seems I have so many goals and now that January is gone and February is here it seems like I have more goals added to my original ones…So now I’m starting to get overwhelmed. So I’m taking a step back and changing my words of the year to “Organize, Focus, Balance” then simply taking one day at a time to cross off things on my list. I love your theme of happiness and sometimes we all get caught up in so much business that we forget to be “Happy”. You always have great suggestions and recommendations on books. I’m reading The Happiness Project now too! Thanks to you. Well once again I really look forward to seeing the outcome of growth from this year and what is in store for us. Thanks for your friendship!
~ Pam Gordineer
Thanks for your friendship too, Pam! We have so much fun together! And you inspire me too!
Okay, Debbie, this new website design is FLAT OUT BEAUTIFUL, as well as inspiring!!! Great job! The “egg-shaped” (rounded) white space is genius … and the tabs/banner makes it simple to navigate. Integrating the online store with the blog is brilliant. Regarding the content of the first bloglet, you expressed yourself well and so clearly. I loved reading all the examples. You are definitely excelling at pursuing your passion!!! Thank you!
P.S. My word of the year is “Publish” … the end goal of my book concept … to finally write a dual autobiography of sorts about my Grandmother and me. Yes, I think this will help me keep the end in sight.
Pam, so happy I know you. You have so much energy and enthusiasm. Can’t wait to read your book, keep us posted!
Love your blog. I was in Tulsa for the first time for the Spark and Hustle conference. It was an awesome experience.
My business goal for this year is to continue to foster and grow the knowledge of my global women’s causes.
As women, we can unite and make our voices and our value known.
I look forward to visiting your blog often.
Jo, Loved meeting you and listening to you speak at Spark and Hustle. I love your story and your determination! Thanks for commenting and let’s stay in touch!
Likewise Debbie,
With the whole social media going strong, we’d have to really try to not stay in touch. I have added a blog to my web page; if you want to check it out at http://www.mojoroast.com. It’s actually linked to my facebook, so the posts get added to my facebook page as well, I think your’s is too.
Thanks for giving us your site, Jo! I am ordering some of your coffee today, I like your monthly program. Can’t wait to taste it! Looking forward to keeping up with your blog too!
I look forward to being your personal coffee roaster. You will get your coffee roasted and shipped the same day. So, personal coach, personal chef, personal trainer, and now, me, your personal coffee roaster :0)). Drink Fresh.
I finally found my word for 2011! My word is “Move” meaning to advance, progress, take action, proceed. I am so happy. Now I just need to make my sign!
Love it! Send me a pic of your sign when you make it! Would love to see it!
Love the new blog. Hope to put all your tips into actions! My word this year is “Enjoy”. I feel like I get going in a direction and do not take the time to enjoy the moment that I’m in. Keep up the good work!!
Wow, that surprises me because you always seem so relaxed and calm me down! I so need that word Enjoy, because I am always in a hurry, as you know!