Hi everyone! I am so excited to feature Leigh Gathright and her Word for the Year, Genuine. (My Word I posted yesterday is Simplify). Leigh and I go way back, over 30 years! We were in the Pi Beta Phi house together at the University of Oklahoma. Over the years our friendship has grown closer and closer and she is a true friend and listener. She is becoming quite the writer and poet and I am so happy to share her word and thoughts with you all. From Leigh-
Our Authentic Selves
Happy New Year!! As a former jewelry appraiser and gemologist, my past formal training taught me to do necessary “tests” to determine if certain gemstones were indeed genuine. Genuine is not an imitation or a synthetic replica. Genuine is something not false or copied; real. Genuine is truly authentic.
The beginning of a new year is genuine in its promise to us. Turning over a new calendar, commencing a brand new year, gives us time to look ahead, set goals, and look forward to new beginnings. January gives everyone, all across the planet, a clean slate. A new year is indeed a fresh beginning, for all, at the exact same time. Some of us are thoughtful in using this time to make specific resolutions. Some of us do not.
Yes, in the past, I have made resolutions only to break them by March. I promised to have “no sugar” in my diet one year. In my own strength, the yummy birthday cake was just too tempting to pass up several weeks after I had made the requisite resolution. I had failed. I was now a person who could not keep resolutions; did not make them anymore.
I offer up not resolutions, however, something to ponder as one goes forth in 2015. My hope for the coming year is to be my authentic self. To always be honest with my genuine self and well as finding more balance to spend time with those who I love and need me. I desire in striving to show more empathy and compassion to those who are going through a difficult time. I hope to ask more questions and have a sense of wonder for nature instead of taking sunrises and sunsets for granted. I hope to learn more about myself by embarking on writing my own memoir in discovering my life’s theme as well as a possible journey into self-discovery; to have my own authentic voice. Simply put, to explore my creative side a bit more. To pick one or two new interests to change things up and do something different. It may be preparing a certain ethnic food, learning a new sport, being more civic-minded, taking on advocacy for something important, or simply spending more time in prayer and meditation. Just to embrace at least one thing different for 2015.
I truly believe everyone has passions, desires, and dreams. Everyone has something that typically motivates them. My hope is to be motivated to be an authentic light force; an encouragement to others in 2015. It is true, words of encouragement and affirming words can change someone’s day for the better. Yes, simple words such as, “Happiness was standing next to me in this grocery store line” or “Happiness was sitting next to me on this plane flight” is a powerful affirmation. Try it sometime! I can guarantee, the person receiving such affirming words will never forget it.
So, in keeping with my recent trip to beautiful Paris, I end with “Que la force.” May the authentic bright force in each one of you shine forth to energize and fill others throughout 2015.
Leigh Gathright
Realtor, Gemologist, Fitness Fanatic, Dreamer, Keen Listener and Friend
Great word. One of my favorite quote on authenticity is by Brene Brown. “Authenticity is the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let our true selves be seen.”
Thanks for your comment, Gina! I have heard so much about Brene Brown, I need to check her out!
Genuine. What a fantastic word choice. Reputable character is something we should strive to share with others daily. Looking forward to more blogs.
Thanks so much for your comment, Janet. Love hearing what everyone has to say!
Thanks for sharing Leigh!
Great word. Great character trait. Thank you for sharing and even challenging us to be genuine.