Can’t believe January is almost over! I will be continuing to share other people’s Word for the Year. I think it is something you can start anytime, not just in January. By now, some people’s resolutions may have worn off, but a Word for the Year is easier to focus on and more lasting, at least for me. Actually, it hasn’t been all that easy. I chose the word Simplify before the beginning of the year and since then my life has been anything but simple. I think sometimes that just means you are onto something big, when you face a lot of adversity.
Well, I am excited to share ShaRhonda’s word for the Year, Believe. She is such a light to everyone around her; I admire her boldness in her faith. Oh, and I hope you enjoyed Leigh’s word too, Genuine. I have such a great mix of friends and am excited to share them with you with their different outlooks and perspectives and inspiration! More to come! Oh and remember you can also get ideas from our Word for the Year pinterest board. So here’s ShaRhonda….
The Monday after Thanksgiving Break 2014, I found myself having “the talk” with my seven year old daughter. It seemed the kids on the bus had decided to spoil some of her Christmas magic. My response to her, just like it was to her 14 year old brother several years ago was simply this: “if you believe you receive”.
Those five words I said that day can and do apply to so many things in our everyday human life. As a Christian like myself, if you believe Christ is God’s son you will receive everlasting life. In the classroom, at work, in the dance studio, and even the basketball court if you believe in yourself along with hard work, you can receive great success. But greater than that is the satisfaction and the belief of knowing you did your best.
Believing with all your heart, soul and mind will be my family’s 2015 focus. Believe is the one word that I have found myself repeatedly saying to both of my children and my husband in the past few months. Whether it’s telling them to believe that they will do well on a test, in a game, in a performance, or that things will get better at the workplace. This house of mine will be a house that believes. A house that believes in all things seen and unseen.
Believe will be my 2015 word. It will be the word that I look to when I personally need encouragement with my own day to day struggles as a wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend. It will be the word I continue to look at and use to encourage others. It will be the word and action that I use when I doubt just how far I can go.
Believing IS receiving, especially when it’s BElieving in YOU.
Just believe.
ShaRhonda Crow
Happy First Assistant
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