Happy Tuesday! I meant to write this yesterday but didn’t get to it and I think it was meant to be because I took this picture late yesterday afternoon. I was talking on the phone looking out the window and this bright happy cardinal was just sitting there wanting his picture taken! And it fits with what I want to talk about.
I love January-way more than December. December is somewhat stressful and busy for me-I need to enjoy it more. It is hard for me to slow down in December. I love January because it is fresh, all about reflection and then new beginnings-which is exactly what Happy First is about. I love setting goals for the year and thinking of new possibilities and planning it all out. I love the fresh start of a new year.
I’m really loving my new word FOCUS for 2013. And one thing I want to focus on is my creativity. I have gotten so busy running a business that I haven’t nurtured my creative side. Last year I read the book “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron . It is a 12 week workbook designed to help you find your creativity. It suggests taking “art dates” with yourself and doing something creative once a week. So I will keep you all posted and I would love to hear ways you all do creative things.
Anyway, I was reading the Sunday paper this past week and came across Harvey Mackay’s article in the business section. I love reading his articles. This week it was entitled “6 tips to help fuel creativity”. He talked about how creativity and imagination are vital for business and personal success. And he also said that January is International Creativity Month-didn’t know that! How fun is that? He talked about how being outside and spending time in nature spurs creativity. That is so true for me. I love to run and that is when I do some of my best brainstorming. I haven’t been outside so much because it has been so cold. But yesterday as I was on the phone I was gazing outside and saw that cute little bird and it made me think how good it is to slow down and enjoy nature. We live on some acreage so it is always so beautiful just to take the time to look away from the computer or some task inside and just to look outside!
Harvey Mackay’s 6 tips to help spur creativity-
1. Gather information – research-don’t think about the solution initially, just delve (love that word-was my word for 2012) into the subject.
2. Let it simmer-do something else and let your subconscious sort it. (that’s when I run!)
3. Brainstorm-take some time to create more ideas from the information you’ve processed. (I sleep on it! In fact, that is how I would prepare for a test in college. I would study and study then nap right before the test)
4. Share your idea-Run it by some friends for feedback. (I’m always asking my creative and stylish friends for input)
5. Accept Mistakes-try things even if you’re not sure they will succeed.
6. Copy other Ideas-Don’t steal other ideas, but look at what’s done and try to do it differently. (I am always looking at trends but want to put my original spin on it).
Then, I love this, he had what he calls “Mackey’s Moral”– and this one is “Creativity, not necessity, is the true mother of invention.”
Wow, I get so inspired just reading what he has to say! I have so many ideas for 2013. I just need to FOCUS and corral all my ideas and give myself time just to have fun and create.
What do you all want to create? What helps you get in the creative zone?