Love these 2 entries! Remember to vote at the Happy First facebook page-“contests” tab on the left!
Strong Chick
A female military veteran. Strong. A female entrepreneur. Strong. A disease survivor, single mother, lawyer. Strong, strong, strong. As women we have to be strong–our lives call for perseverance and more than a little grit, no matter how we lead them.
I know firsthand how tough and resilient women can be. My mother is an Army major, retired after twenty two years of service and a tour in Kuwait. She left when I was eight and returned when I was ten. Two birthdays, a Christmas, an Easter: gone. And as she was defending our nation from those who sought to destroy it, I had to learn how to be without my mother, and more importantly, without my best friend. Both of us returned changed. We both became stronger than ever before.
This shirt would be camouflage print, with the words “Strong Chick” around a beaming star. Women everywhere would identify with this shirt, whether a college sophomore or an Army major. Proceeds from the shirt would benefit Operation Homefront, a charity dedicated to helping the families of soldiers and Wounded Warriors cope with the battles we have endured and letting them know they haven’t been forgotten:
-Ally Boulas and Pam Dominisse
Super Chick
Super is an adjective meaning outstanding; exceptionally fine. When paired with the word Chick- an attractive girl, Super Chick of course means that the female wearing the shirt expels the exceptional beauty, confidence and hard work ethic that every woman naturally has. Every woman has an outstanding story to tell. We all have a history and a promising future ahead of us. Super Chick conveys this message to the one wearing the shirt and lets the rest of the world know that she is a SUPER CHICK also!
My vision for this shirt is the Happy First Egg with a Chick wearing a girly cape and of course an “S”! A crown has to be present. Either on the “S” or on the Chick. Then of course the words Super Chick.
My charity is near and dear. It will be for all the Super Chicks (and men) who struggle, have struggled or have lost loved ones to breast cancer. Susan G Komen for the Cure. In all, I have 13 friends and family members that have been affected by breast cancer.
You can read more about my passion and what I do with my son’s football team at the link below.
by ShaRhonda Williams Crow
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